Student Feedback

Strategies that allow all students to speak up, take risks, and share ideas and knowledge

  1. Seven Effective Roving Strategies  Give and receive feedback to every student using these strategies
  2. Come on Down!  Let your students decide when to join a teaching group and add another layer to their independent thinking
  3. Out the Door Endorphins    The best thing to do for yourself after a tough day at school – Highly Recommended
  4. Jump Up and Tell Us     Keeps every student focused at sharing time
  5. Out the Door Assessment    A quick and easy way to get amazing and thoughtful feedback from your students
  6. I Would Like You to Notice   A powerful strategy that generates informative thinking and responses from every student
  7. Four Feedback Ideas  Use these during your school day to provide feedback to your students
  8. Tips and Feedback Time   Easy to use idea during any teaching session – Highly Recommended
  9. Record and Reveal   Keeps students focused and interacting as you teach
  10. Do Three, See Me!    Quickly keep track of your students learning after teaching a new concept
  11. Hunters and Gatherers     Get everyone involved as information is gathered