Students decide which part of their work they would like to share and why – a quick and easy feedback strategy with ‘surprising outcomes’.
It’s the end of a lesson and time for students to share their work.
Students may be asked to read a story or poem they have written, show an illustration or construction, discuss a completed mathematics problem or share a text response. Random questions may be asked about the work.
Only a few are selected for sharing time. Not everybody is listening or interested.
Try This:
Say, ‘Tell us what you have done and what you would like us to notice.’
Response examples heard in classrooms.
- I have drawn somebody cleaning up rubbish and I would like you to notice that I have drawn a sign on the bin reminding people about using bins.
- I wrote a story about an alien and I would like you to notice that I have used three describing words so you know what he looks like. The words are small and spotty with furry ears.
- My poem is about the colour red. I will read this part and I want you to notice that I will use expression in my voice.
- This picture shows three people who work in the community and I want you to notice that I have used really bright colours and I have added a background to show you where they work.
- My answer is that the main character in the story was feeling overwhelmed with sadness when he was being bullied and I want you to notice that I used the word overwhelmed because it means he was really feeling very sad about the whole bullying experience.
What do you notice?
- Students provide a thoughtful response.
- You will be amazed at the variety of responses.
- The students’ focus on aspects of their work that they are pleased with – helps them feel good, great for building self-esteem.
- Students who have not finished can still share something they would like noticed.
- Students are reflecting.
- You feel relaxed and can sit and listen instead of constantly asking questions.
- All students pay attention during the sharing time – they are especially interested in the ‘what I would like you to notice’ and they notice!
- At the end of sharing provide feedback to the students and tell them what you noticed.
- Seat your students in a circle and get everyone to share.
- Using this strategy doesn’t take long, gets everyone thinking, sharing and feeling good because they have had something positive to say about their work.
- No need to ask extra questions – let the sharing proceed.
- Ask a student to organize the ‘I want you to notice’ feedback session.
- Once the students know how the feedback works use a sign next time. (It’s Pack Up Time strategy)
It’s time to pack up, meet me on the floor in a circle with your work. Be ready to tell us what you have done and what you would like us to notice.
Another Idea:
Ask everyone to select a partner, show and discuss the work together then gather into a circle.
Partner A tells everyone about Partner B’s work.
Response examples provided by students from first year at school to year 6.
- My partner did a big house and I would like you to notice that the window has red curtains.
- My partner drew a plate of healthy food and I would like you to notice that the food is all the right colours.
- My partner drew a cockatoo’s feather and I would like you to notice that they used a really sharp pencil to draw the details.
- My partner wrote a story about a dragon and I want to read this part. I want you to notice that they used lots of action words like swishing and zooming.
- I will read out my partners answer and I would like you to notice that they used correct punctuation and the answer is right.
- I want you to notice that my partner used correct setting out and used a diagram to help solve this problem.
‘I want you to notice’ that by providing students with a different way of responding to their work they will reflect, make thoughtful decisions and constantly surprise you with their answers.