Parents: ‘The teacher said, My child …
– doesn’t contribute during discussion time and is too quiet at school
– is too talkative
– doesn’t make friends easily or mix with other students
– calls out all the time
– annoys others
What is the teacher’s role in these scenarios?
What plans have been made to address these concerns?
‘The educator must believe in the potential power of their students and must employ all their art in seeking to bring their students to experience that power.’
How do you employ your art?
Once behaviours have been identified it is time to plan opportunities for students to develop the skills and behaviours you are concerned about.
Believing in your students and understanding that making changes in your day to day teaching and management will make a difference to the way they behave, think and interact with others.
Have you ever thought about the power you have in your classroom? Do you realise that you do have power? What is the definition of power.
– Power is the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events.Teaching with a Feather strategies will provide you with the capacity to act in a particular way to direct and influence the behaviour of others.I have put together a document outlining Parent Concerns, Suggested TWAF Strategies to Implement, Outcomes to Expect. To access the document follow this link. Parent Concerns, Strategies to Use and Outcomes to Expect.
Message to Teachers
I understand it is difficult to try new teaching and management strategies you only read about and not had the opportunity to observe first hand in a classroom situation. The techniques I advocate will make a difference. Yes, it will take a change in your daily teaching and management techniques and require persistence and dedication but you will see positive changes in your student’s behaviour. You will hear different responses, observe new behaviours.
Remember, it is you that has the power to provide the opportunities to direct or influence the behaviour of your students.
Action is power.
Catching up with a parent and telling them that their child is contributing during discussion time, has made a new friend, is not calling out at the wrong times and is using their communication skills during partners work is such a buzz for everyone.
Imagine the parent going home and praising their child, telling family and friends about the positive changes made.
Every child has potential power. Employ all your art as a teacher to bring students to experience this power.