
Rita Pierson – ‘Every kid needs a champion’

Rita F. Pierson, a professional educator since 1972, taught elementary school, junior high and special education. She was a counsellor, a testing coordinator and an assistant principal. In each of these roles, she brought a special energy to the role — a desire to get to know her students, show them how much they matter and support them in their growth, even if it was modest.

Listen to this inspiring 7 minute excerpt from Rita Pierson on the importance of building relationships with your students.

Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion | TED Talk | TED …

Colin Pidd

‘Leading for Purpose’ – Keynote Presentation at the Victorian Association for State Secondary Principals (VASSP) Conference, August 11, 2014


Play music as your students are working. Discuss music and the positive impact it has on the brain.

Lane Clark, an international education consultant and workshop facilitator working in Canada, the US, Australia, and New Zealand

Here are three edtalks to consider as part of your own personal professional development.

1. The 12 Dimensions of thinking infusion

2. Real Learning; its bigger than inquiry

3. The real learning process

Lane Clark has a well-earned reputation as an expert in powerful pedagogy and in the design and delivery of engaging curriculum. 

I was fortunate to participate in several of Lane Clark’s workshops. Lane’s presentations and ideas inspired and motivated me to implement new ways of thinking into my classroom.

Giving Effective Feedback – Dylan Wiliam

This 3 minute clip by Dylan Wiliam reviews the importance of giving learners effective feedback as an integral component of formative assessment.

Dylan Wiliam is Deputy Director and Professor of Educational Assessment at the Institute of Education, University of London

Change the way you think about giving feedback to your students – Highly recommended viewing


Sir Ken Robinson: How Schools Kill Creativity?

I heard Sir Ken Robinson’s key note speech at the Edutech conference in Brisbane, very inspiring and entertaining.

Follow this link to hear one of Sir Ken Robinson’s talks.…


The Learning Brain – an animated video

The Learning Brain video explains how the brain works. Great resource to use during an Inquiry relating to Health and Well Being. (‘Finding Out’ Stage)

Suitable for ages 7 onwards.

Growth Mind Set

This short animated video explains how persistence and effort help to grow your mind.

Can be used in conjunction with Learning and Life Tip No. 7. ‘Use persistence and effort to ‘grow your mind’.

Suitable for ages 7 onwards.

Release the Endorphins

This short video explains a simple strategy that gets students laughing and feeling happy.


The power of ummmm… | Kath Murdoch | TEDxWestVancouverED

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences.

What are you wondering? The power of curiosity and the importance of nurturing it in our classrooms.

Attending workshops over a number of years with Kath Murdoch provided inspiration, motivation and amazing ideas.