‘Not Telling!’ is a story about a surprise road trip. Mr Cotts is taking Mrs Cotts out for a drive. Where do they go and what happens? Follow this link to uncover the mystery! ‘Not Telling!’
The Welcoming Committee
Tired of being interrupted when someone comes to the classroom door. Here’s a quick idea: Set up a Welcoming Committee [restrict] Try This: Set up a Welcoming Committee. Two students each week are selected to do the job, organise a…

‘We almost always have choices, and the better the choice, the more we will be in control of our lives.’
William Glasser, 1925 – 2013.

‘The best way to predict your future is to create it.’
Abraham Lincoln

‘Improvement is about doing something better; innovation is about doing something new.’
Andy Hargreaves

‘The object of teaching a child is to enable them to get along without a teacher.’
Elbert Hubbard, 1856-1915.