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Professional Development:

Professional Development opportunities are available.

Contact Robyn via email. [email protected]


Teaching with a Feather Resources:
All teaching and classroom management strategies are freely available for teachers.  Click on the Strategies Menu to access five sections containing over 50 effective techniques.

These Include:

1. Classroom Environment – Inspiring strategies to design and develop a new classroom look and structure that promotes student decision making skills.

2.  Behaviour Management – Easy to use ideas beyond the traditional approach.

3. Building Relationships – Effective ideas that students will love.

4. Playground Duty Tips – Designed to promote harmony and a relaxed attitude in the playground for students and teachers

5. Student Feedback – Unique techniques that get all students contributing.

Take some time to explore each strategy and make a start. Why?
… because Teaching with a Feather strategies work!
Contact [email protected] or phone 0422 436 398 if you require further information about TWAF strategies.